How to Select and Schedule Greenhouse Crops

Choosing a Greenhouse Crop

If you are constructing a greenhouse for general cultivation and wholesale, it is good to research what other growers are growing in your area, and what florists or garden centers are interested in purchasing. A good business plan will already include target crops based on supply and demand in the region and the ability to transport crops to market. Calculation of cost of producing plants and price for sale should also be part of the business plan.

Scheduling Greenhouse Crops

Scheduling is an important part of greenhouse management. Ordering seeds for delivery in mid-October can avoid running into backorder issues later on. Growers will want to keep track of the seeds they order, the suppliers, costs, number of seeds sown, number of plants to transplant after germinating, yields, and container sizes. Growers will also want to keep a schedule of sowing, transplanting, and harvesting dates so they can plan for labor and subsequent crops to be grown. It is also good to keep records of inputs used such as fertilizers, pesticides, and growth medium, and environmental conditions. Record keeping is important for providing historical data, budgeting data, and for regulatory compliance. Ball Seeds provides several great guides for production planning.

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